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The 7 Essential Training Commands To Master

1. Sit! This is the first and one of the easiest commands to begin with. It is also a good launching off point for all other commands! "Sit" is useful in many public situations and can be a great tool for helping to control your furry friend! 2. Down! Typically taught after "Sit", this command puts the owner in even more control of their pet than "Sit". It can be quite easy for a dog to get going from the sitting position, however it is not quite as easy from a laying position. The "Down" command is a great launching off point for "roll over" or "play dead" 3. Stay! Once you have mastered "Sit" and "Down" you should move on to 'Stay"! "Stay" is the best tool one has to protect their pet if they somehow were to get off leash, especially near a busy road. "Stay" is difficult to teach and can take several sessions, so don't get discouraged! 4. Come! Once you have mastered "Stay" it is time to move on to "Come". This command is great for being able to trust your canine companion if you ever go off leash hiking, out to a dog park, or if you need to get their attention away from something dangerous. 5. Heel! This command is more for comfort than anything else. If you have a dog that likes to strain on the leash or if you live in an urban area with narrow sidewalks then having a dog who walks calmly by your side can make city life much easier!

6. Off! No one likes being greeted at the door by a pup with dirty paws or long, scratching nails. Teaching your dog to keep 4 paws on the ground and off counters with potentially poisonous food is very important! If your dog likes to jump up, raise your knee and hands in front of you to block their jump. While doing this, firmly say "OFF" and say "Good" when they return to the floor.

7. No! This command is the last one, but maybe the most important. It teaches your pup to stay away from things they shouldn't investigate such as porcupines, chicken bones on the sidewalks, or from performing everyday actions you don't want them to do!



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